This project is a continuation of The Prismatic Hotel Project, and the room we designed correlates directly with our lobby and second floor. The Prismatic Hotel is meant to transport you into a place of tranquility and energy. With both floors of the lobby having the theme of a rainbow being produced from water, the hotel suites are based on what the rain and the rainbows come from, essentially the clouds. The rooms have a soft, dreamy feel of being in the clouds. This includes a soft color palette, that also accentuates the colors of the rainbow in a subtle way. The bed itself is raised off the ground, to give that floating feeling, along with a cloud-shaped drop ceiling. The goal is for the user to feel at utmost peace and relaxation while in this room, as if they were sleeping in a cloud. 
Inspiration Board & Material Board
Material Specifications

Rendering 1

Rendering 2

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